How To Get The Best Price, Service, and Quality Out of The Same Dealer
Since our founding in 1969, Georgia Carpet Industries has always offered great deals for top-quality flooring! We strive to meet each consumer's needs and wants through our amazing sales team. Over the years we have picked up a few tips and tricks when it comes to customer satisfaction. Home improvement is difficult enough, so here at Georgia Carpet, we want to help make this part of the process a breeze. From dealer to a consumer, this is how to get the best flooring sale out of the same dealer.
Lets Talk Price
For many, price is one of the biggest factors when it comes to flooring. Obviously you don't want to overpay but you also want the best of the best. Great prices are easy to come by when you shop at Georgia Carpet but the key to truly reaching your goal price is communication. When discussing price with a salesperson, make sure to first explain your budget. This is crucial to slimming the perimeters of your search. Flooring options are endless but there are some price points that you know will not quite fit the bill. Stating your range immediately helps lessen the extensive choices you have to make. It also aids the sales representative in how they can best serve your financial situation. Another aspect of finding the best price depends on your own attitude towards it. Quality costs. While this is not always the case, you have to understand that quality flooring is sold for a quality price. If you are looking for name-brand flooring, you need to be willing to pay reasonably for the quality.
Looking around for the best price requires research so make sure to do your own before going to talk with a salesperson. Make sure to ask about potential add-ons or fees that you don’t want and which ones you do. The best deals happen through patience, research, and communication.

Its All About Service
When shopping for home renovations, flooring service is especially important. Dealers often have several installers they use but to find the best one for you, it requires you to do some outside research. Ask your salesperson or even a fellow home renovator about who they would refer you to and then compile a list. Out of this list, begin to compare prices, online reviews, and look up each installer. Along with this, you want to affirm that the person you choose is insured and certified. This will minimize potential accidents and the messy aftermath that might follow. Last but not least, you need to explain the location and background for the area where flooring is installed. Some installers are better at one type of flooring over another so its imperative you cover topics such as floor prep, grade level, and moisture before you have the flooring placed.
To find the best quality flooring, you first need to layout your decorative and practical needs/wants. Talk to your salesperson about the characteristics your flooring must absolutely have. Maybe you have pets and children so you want to look at flooring made specifically for them. Or perhaps you just want a soft, comfortable carpet that will last. After you have settled on your needs, go over your wants. Having an idea of your decor and where the flooring fits into that will speed up your shopping process immensely. Since each flooring type is different, you need to make sure to ask about the various warranties that come with it. Some may have additional warranties or you could find a similar product with a warranty you know you want. Flooring warranties are a tell-tale sign of quality, so discuss in-depth with your sales rep to find a quality that fits you. As with all the other tips on the best price and service, it is critical that you do your own research. Look at online reviews or talk to other renovators. If you see someone’s flooring you like, ask then about it. The more extensive your own knowledge of flooring, the better off you will be.
We hope these little bits of advice will help you find the best of both worlds in your flooring search. Georgia Carpet Industries is the best place to utilize these tips you’ve learned! We are available online at or in-store. Request a quote online or call us!